In 2023, the volume of trade between France and Pakistan fell by 20% compared to 2022. While the volume of trade reached almost EUR 2 billion in 2022, it fell to 1.5 billion in 2023, reflecting the deteriorating economic situation in Pakistan, economic uncertainty, falling exchange rate and administrative import quota measures.

France exports to Pakistan fell by 47%, to reach €260 million, the leading export items being pharmaceutical products (€47 million) and cosmetic products (€46 million), down 46% and 18% respectively; the agriculture/agricultural equipment sector also recorded a very sharp decline, whether in agricultural products (-95% - €3.5M), agri-food industry products (-25%; €20M) or agricultural equipment and machinery (-47%, €27M).

Pakistan export to France also fell, slightly, by 11.6%, textiles still representing 91% of our imports from Pakistan thanks to the extension of the GSP+ mechanism from which Pakistan benefits for exports to the Union European.

France's trade balance with Pakistan is deteriorating and our deficit crosses the symbolic one billion mark (€1.045 billion).